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Dr Dinesh Parekh's Museum India

Dr. Dinesh Parekh(late) was a psychiatrist, earning a diploma in psychological medicine in 1967 and doctorate in psychiatry in 1970. He became a fellow of ANZ College of psychiatry in 1976 and was WHO research psychiatrist for 3 years.

His love with photography engaged him in collecting many important photographic prints, spent more than 40 years accumulating an impressive collection of antiques and art works in the form of paintings, lithographs, chromolithographs, engraving, etchings and much more. Dr. Parekh’s obsession with collection made him a proud possessor of more than one million exciting items.

Dr Parekh has donated many of his premiere exhibits to create Museum India, the first Indian Museum outside India in Dandenong, Victoria and was a former trustee of AICCT.

Dr Parekh has been instrumental in the setting up of Museum India and close to all of the exhibits in display has been gifted for the benefit of the spreading the history and culture of India in Australia.

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